Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thoughtful Thursday

New addition to the blog. I usually spend a ton of time during my breaks at work just writing. What about? Everything. I don't have a certain thing I just write about unless I'm really focused on one of my novels. Lately I've been into just writing a few lines to a story (just something I made up on the spot) and then stopping it at an important moment so that it leaves you wanting more. Or I've just been spilling my brains out. So that's what Thursdays are going to be for, me spilling my brains out. No rhyme to it, no underlining meaning just whatever my brain wants to say. There are no rules, it's just me letting go of everything and writing, even if the subject is lame.

So here it is (this one may be about the weather)

It feels like fall but the calendar says it's April. I dislike that feeling of being in another season when in fact it's the complete opposite. The weather needs to make up it's mind, I can't stand to go from 60 degrees back down to 30. I love getting all dressed up in sweaters and scarfs but not anymore, let me have my no tights dress weather. Since it feels like fall I want pumpkin spice candles bad, I want the smell so fall. I want burning leaves and carving pumpkins. I want Halloween and frost. I want burnt orange and mustard yellow leaves on the ground. Oh fall, how I miss you and feel you around even though it's clearly no where near being your time yet. 

Winter use to be my favorite season but lately it's been making me angry and frustrated. I can't stand to be cold, like freezing cold, it's not for me. I use to enjoy the emptiness that winter brings. That barren feeling you get looking at a field that's completely covered in snow. I can picture it right now. You look out and see nothing but white, it's such an odd feeling to know it goes on for awhile. Sometimes it seems endless, winter that is. The first snow fall is heaven, snow falling at night in the middle of an empty city melts my heart. That's some inspiration right there. The only thing I will miss about this city is watching the snow fall at night, so pretty. But once the snow has been here for months and the temps turn into negative teens that's when I'm ready to say goodbye. 

Summer has never been my favorite season, I enjoy the warm temps but not when it's muggy outside and       I'm stuck to the couch because I'm that hot. The thunderstorms are my favorite. Falling asleep to the sound of rain is lovely. Thunderstorms don't usually wake me up but when I do wake up in the middle of them I feel so at home. A smile grows on my face when I hear that crack and the rain beating on my window. I'm craving a great thunderstorm bad but the tornadoes can stay away. Tornadoes and me really don't get along very well. 

As for Spring well I don't mind it nor do I hate it. The flowers are wonderful as are the spring showers. It helps that spring is right after winter so everything is thankful to see something else besides cold and snow. When the temps start to hit around the 60s I can't keep inside. I love to take walks when the weather is nice and the sun is shining. Nothing feels better than being stuck inside all winter and finally coming out in spring. I just wish this spring would actually get going.


(There's thoughtful thursday. I hope you enjoyed it. They all won't be about the seasons, this just happened to be on my mind. Sometimes it might be a little story or part of my novel or it will be like tonight and be something random.)

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