Monday, April 4, 2011

Karen Elson and Pushing Daisies

It's no secret that my boyfriend, Brian, loves Jack White. So therefore I know a ton dealing him and his bands and everything he has put his hands into. Earlier this year Brian received a record from Third Man Records. On there it had a song from Karen Elson and all the other singles Third Man has released this past year. Karen Elson happens to be Jack White's wife and a model.  I just bought her album, The Ghost Who Walks, last night and it's amazing. It has southern and dark tones throughout every song and I can't get enough.

That's the first single off of it, which happens to be of the same title. It's girls and music like this that just make me inspired and make me wish I could sing. I think she is absolutely beautiful and her ginger hair is to die for. This album has Jack White written all over it, literally. If you enjoyed the song 'The Ghost Who Walks' I suggest looking into the rest of the album, you won't regret it.


Yesterday I started to watch Pushing Daisies on Netflix on a whim, I've heard of the show but never watched it. I got through two episodes before Brian came home and I must say that oh my gosh I love it. It's so creative and the narrator is right up my alley. The characters are funny and lovable and hello Mr. Lee Pace, what a looker you are.  My point in bringing this up is that watching Pushing Daisies brought back my inspiration. I got that itch to write and that's just what I did today. I wrote on all my breaks and plan on finishing up a page or two later tonight. The book I'm writing has a quirky feel to it and this show reminded me of that and gave me some ideas to play off of.

Yay for inspiration being back and for new shows even if it's been over for a couple of years. I'll still enjoy every second of it.


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