Friday, April 22, 2011

Thoughtful Thursday (Belated)

So I dropped the ball on this Thoughtful Thursday blog but I will make up for it right now. I'm going to write whatever comes to my mind at the moment so if there are some errors, I'm very sorry. I'll try to fix them as soon as I notice them.

the night, once pure and bliss
is like my soul, dark and amiss
terrible things hide in the depths
like murders, death, and deception 

I don't know why it feels like this, broken, tortured and everything in between. I want to escape normal life and experience things I've only dreamed of. But doesn't everyone want to escape their lives, if only for a few minutes. We change what we feel, our appearance but for what? To achieve greatness? To come as close to perfection as humanly possible? But I'd rather be ugly than what you want me to be.

the lines blurred, everlasting
the shapes of people disappearing
the fog lays flat and consumes me
fear grips me, suffocating
I can't tell you up from down
wrong from right  and black from white
it's coming, never stopping
the pain I've hidden long ago
To love like the night
only brings death and disease 
to those whom adore and
those whom despise you
To die in the daylight
only brings chaos to those in peril
and calms those influenced

by the devils evil tricks
To burn the soul in winter
sends you straight to hell
and slowly kills off those
whom you loved and cherished

To make love like the wind 
brings angels down from the sky
and brings demons up
to mock and play

To curse the lord's name
brings lighting from the skies
and sores burst upon your flesh
as god gets back for the sin

To read this whole
only makes your mind numb
and your eyes start to bleed
for I'm the only one allowed to read

It feels like I'm blinded, the dark folds over my eyes. I can't see, can't feel, it's like I'm sleeping but I'm completely aware. 

(Everything I write is mine, I created it so please don't steal it.)

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