Saturday, May 12, 2012


Reading: The Girl that Played with Fire. I got the book a few days ago and I'd say I've made quite a dent in it. I just love the way Stieg Larsson writes, it's breathtaking and just takes hold of you and won't let you go until you've drank up the last words. I love it when I find a book like this. I love it when I'm so captivated by the story that I pretty much breathe, eat and sleep it. That's one of the reasons I love to write, because you become those characters, they are you. You give them voices, give them doubts, and anger and everything else. But if you can bring your reader into your story and have them feel like part of it, then you've done your job. 

Watching: Game of Thrones. I've seen a ton of hype for this show on Tumblr so I thought I'd give it a try. I've only gotten through like half of the first episode but so far I like it. My internet stopped working the other day and I've been at work lately so I haven't had a chance yet to watch it. Though I do have some days off coming up so I'll try to sneak in some episodes. 

Thinking About: Life. There are tons of things I want to do with my life, places I want to go, things I want to experience. Cities I want to live in, well really only two but I've thought about moving there multiple times. I just don't have the means to move there right now though but there comes into play the other question if I do decide to move anywhere. What about him? I'm in a relationship and we're going on 2 and a half years here. It's tricky because I love him and don't want to leave him but at the same time I want to go live elsewhere. I don't mind Iowa but I don't want to live here. I grew up here and that's perfectly fine with me. 

Anticipating: The arrival of The Rasmus's new album, Rasmus. The Rasmus is my favorite band ever. I discovered them way back in like 2005 when the first appeared on FUSE. Oh my gosh, does anyone remember when FUSE was just 24/7 music. It was the best thing ever. But I still remember that day after school when my brother and I sat and watched some show on FUSE and they premiered the music video for 'In The Shadows'. I fell in love right then and there. Ever since then I've been a fan and I've been patiently waiting for their newest album. Sadly I'll have to wait just a few more days, see it's not out in America so I have to have it imported from Finland. 

Working on: Getting in shape. I'm by no means bigger or anything but I have some areas that could use some trimming up. I don't think I'll dive right into some extreme life changing diets but I'll start to eat right more and work on exercising. I've been joking with Brian about getting a yoga mat and trying that out. I've always kind of wanted to try it so maybe one of these days I'll give it a shot. Any tips for a beginner? 

Wishing: For some good news or a phone call or two. Two could be nice but I'll settle for one. I'm also wishing for some extra cash so I could drive home and see my mother. It's been far to long. 

I got this feature from Danielle, over at Sometimes Sweet. I love reading her blog. You should check it out. 


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