Wednesday, May 9, 2012


You know I've read so many blogger tips post from various bloggers and usually it's pretty good advice. But I read one today and it just struck me as rude, well not really rude but more so that everyone has to do what she did/does. That everyone has to be a photographer in order to have a blog but what if your blog isn't about that? What if you like doing book reviews? I want to blog, yes but I'm not very good at updating and if I do I just post a ton of words but that's me. I write. I create stories and every now and then I create some art. I don't take pictures of what I wear, because that's just not me. I also don't own a camera expect for the one on my photo and that's not going to give you a good picture of what I'm wearing.

Plus sorry to say this but everyone and their mother does outfit post, not to say I don't enjoy them because I do but what I'm really trying to say is that it's overdone. Everyone that starts a blog does it, it's not a new thing nor do I think it will ever phase out. I'm also not trying to be rude or mean and if I come off as that then I'm sorry. I'm just telling you what I see, well have been seeing.

I don't know, it seems to me that everyone always has advice about how you should go about blogging, how you should do it. It's kind of like them telling you how to be yourself and letting what you truly enjoy shine through. I think that beginning bloggers should figure stuff out themselves, live and learn. But then again half of the people wanting this advice just want free stuff, they want people to listen to them and want to be friends with them. Because deep down we all just want to feel part of something, that's why some of us blog. We want that connection with other like minded people. I know I do.

I don't have many friends (sometimes having your friends as roommates doesn't turn out the best), I pretty much work and then hang out at home. Expect for those few months Brian and I lived in Nashville and Kaelah, Mike, Brian and I were inseparable. Different story for another day. I guess what I'm really trying to say is that the whole blog world has gotten so different from when I was first introduced to it. I get that people change but I feel that some bloggers don't really care anymore. They use to be so personable but now it's nothing but DIY's and other people's post.

I want to know what is running through their minds, how they come up with the ideas. What gives them inspiration, and what makes them ticked. You know? Maybe I'm the only one that has noticed all of this but I hope that it doesn't stay this way forever. We all need to chill out, take a deep breath and just let things happen. You don't have to have a ton of readers in order to enjoy blogging, nor do you need to have tons of sponsors wanting to throw free things at your face. Write what's in your heart and the rest will come and if it doesn't don't sweat it.

There you have it. This has been on my mind all morning and for awhile. If you agree then you agree and if you don't then oh well you don't.


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