Monday, July 18, 2011

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

Where are all the jobs?

Job searching is the one thing I hate the most. Everyone is hiring it seems but yet when you put in your resume nothing happens or all of a sudden they have filled the position. Then there's the job that you want and the job that you have to take because of money issues. Right now I'm stuck in a rut, but staying very positive which is quite amazing. I need a job, a good job, well one that will let me pay my bills and have money left over for random stuff (i.e. shopping).

My job back in St. Paul was good, it wasn't my favorite but I got paid decent and could dress how ever I wanted. Plus they didn't care that I dyed my hair often and had tattoos and piercings. Sadly I left that job to move down to Nashville. It was a 50/50 chance of me getting a job right away or it taking awhile. Even if I would have stayed in St. Paul, I would have lost my job in a few months.

Moving to a new place is always a gamble and I'm gambling right now. It's okay though sooner or later I'll have a job. I'll end up bugging my temp agency a ton before I get one, they'll probably be happy when I have one too! haha All I can do right now is keep my head up, keep sending in the resumes and keep hoping that someone takes a chance on me.

At least I have a roof over my head, a great boyfriend (whom happens to be in the same boat as me), food in the fridge and ac to keep away the hot Nashville days. I still have my books, my ability to write and we have a swimming pool to keep our minds off of jobs for awhile. I kind of feel like George Costanza at the moment, let's hope I have better luck than him.


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