Sunday, July 24, 2011

To do list

My to do list is starting to get longer, I'm constantly looking into a business venture and trying to find a day job to pay the bills. I'm trying to add in a few new things to my schedule, like finally working out more. It's a bit hard to work out when there isn't a gym around and the fact that its been pretty hot. Starting tomorrow I'm going to run in the morning, I need to stick to this. I have some book ideas to outline and a few short stories to outline as well. I'm going to make myself keep working on these things so I can actually get a few of my year goals under my belt. Here's to a new and hopefully exciting week ahead. 


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Saturday Favorites

This Saturday I'm going to have a theme for my favorites. Lately I've been getting into painting a lot more and I thought I'd share with you all some of my favorite ones. I'm in love with Impressionism and greek mythology paintings. I hope you all enjoy. 

"Water Lily Pond" by Claude Monet

"Woman with a Parasol" by Claude Monet

"Perseus and Andromeda" by Anton Raphael Mengs

"Allegory of Love" by Bronzino

"Mourning for Icarus" by Herbert James Draper 


Friday, July 22, 2011

Friday, I'm in love

Well it's once again Friday and I may or may not be in love with that fact. So far this week has been the same  with a few unexpected twists. Earlier this week my computer started to act funny and the airport icon  wouldn't show up and I couldn't get on the internet. I have a macbook by the way. Anywho Brian and I took it to the Apple store to see what was going on with it. The apple worker fixed it but told me I need to remove what I changed the icons to. See a year ago I was hating the icons that macs come with, I think they are boring so I changed them. Apparently this is very bad for your mac and he told me so. So I went home and was going to look up on the internet what the guy wanted me to do and guess what?

The airport icon was missing, again. He really didn't fix it after all, so I was a bit irratated by that. Well I did the Archive and Install that the apple worker told me to do and it still didn't work so I just erased everything on it. Luckily I had Brian back my computer up earlier that morning so I didn't feel too bad about doing that. Hooray the computer was fixed and the internet was finally working.

The rest of the week went by with nothing exciting. Though Brian did buy some more canvas to paint on so I'm going to cover those babies up in paint. I'm working on starting an etsy site but it will be a few weeks before I can get that rolling. We still haven't heard from any job leads so that's a bit discouraging but we must keep our heads up and keep trying.

Today we had a lunch date with Kaelah from Little Chief Honeybee and her fiance Mike at this great taco place. It was very good and tons of fun. Those two are just super nice and a ton of fun. Before this fun little outing my computer decided that I didn't need an airport once again! I'm totally serious, the airport wouldn't show up at all this morning. We were going to stop by the apple store again but forgot my computer at home when we went to lunch. Well we came home and to my surprise the airport was back on. I don't know what is up with my computer but I'm hoping it can last until I get a job and can save up money for a new one.

Sorry for the long post, this computer thing is just crazy to me. I hope you're week was great and you have an even better weekend planned. I'm going to start outline some book ideas, I'm hoping to submit them to a website. I talk about details when I do it, right now it's just an idea. Stay cool!!


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thoughtful Thursday

Somedays it seems that the sun doesn't want to shine that the night is brighter than the light. Somedays it feels like the whole world is upside down, that life is a joke and I'm living a lie. I beg and I plead but it's all in vain. I can't regain the control I had those years ago but sadly I'll never be able to try. I weep for the baby I lost, for the wife that took it's breathe. What can one human do when it seems like no one else even cares? We are all selfish and shallow, we don't care for others yet we want all the power in the world. Black and white are nothing but colors with no meaning. Yellow and orange are my favorite colors, the show light and glow yet red and crimson seep out of those old wounds. My scars are slowly starting to fade, yet you can make out the lines. I wish that i could have stopped the blood from seeping, I wish that I could have stopped you from jumping but yet everything we'll all wanted is just a lie. I'm a lie, you're a lie and we are all just players in his game.


It seemed as if the night was blanketed in a glow
the bugs crept and crawled every so slow
death plagued the ground like a midnight runner
taking names and chasing the stunner.
It was time to take the breath
to drown, to lie and to die like the ever lasting mortal
it was the time for Macbeth
to carve, to scrape the flesh from the portal.
Her life was nothing more than a waste
he wanted everything to be interlaced
she stabbed and kicked and everything in between
he cried out and bled like he was barely nineteen.
Their love was nothing more than a cheap romance
filled with bliss and a black advance
The sun will shine up high
to show the carnage that's was a mile wide
it stains your lips blood red and thick.


Monday, July 18, 2011

Sylvia Plath

“I am afraid. I am not solid, but hollow. I feel behind my eyes a numb, paralyzed cavern, a pit of hell, a mimicking nothingness… I want to kill myself, to escape from responsibility, to crawl back abjectly into the womb. I do not know who I am, where I am going - and I am the one who has to decide the answers to these hideous questions… There is nowhere to go - not home, where I would blubber and cry, a grotesque fool, into my mother’s skirts—not to men, where I want more than ever their stern, final, paternal directive…” — Sylvia Plath


I read The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath a few months ago and I fell in love with her writing. I have collected her books of poems and short stories, basically anything I can get my hands on. I want to know more about her, I want to swim in her voice and just be hypnotized by her words. She is an inspiration to me and I wish that she hadn't taken her life. 


Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

Where are all the jobs?

Job searching is the one thing I hate the most. Everyone is hiring it seems but yet when you put in your resume nothing happens or all of a sudden they have filled the position. Then there's the job that you want and the job that you have to take because of money issues. Right now I'm stuck in a rut, but staying very positive which is quite amazing. I need a job, a good job, well one that will let me pay my bills and have money left over for random stuff (i.e. shopping).

My job back in St. Paul was good, it wasn't my favorite but I got paid decent and could dress how ever I wanted. Plus they didn't care that I dyed my hair often and had tattoos and piercings. Sadly I left that job to move down to Nashville. It was a 50/50 chance of me getting a job right away or it taking awhile. Even if I would have stayed in St. Paul, I would have lost my job in a few months.

Moving to a new place is always a gamble and I'm gambling right now. It's okay though sooner or later I'll have a job. I'll end up bugging my temp agency a ton before I get one, they'll probably be happy when I have one too! haha All I can do right now is keep my head up, keep sending in the resumes and keep hoping that someone takes a chance on me.

At least I have a roof over my head, a great boyfriend (whom happens to be in the same boat as me), food in the fridge and ac to keep away the hot Nashville days. I still have my books, my ability to write and we have a swimming pool to keep our minds off of jobs for awhile. I kind of feel like George Costanza at the moment, let's hope I have better luck than him.


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Saturday Favorites

I love this painting, it's something I would hang in my place.

I usually get that look on my face when bra shopping.

I'm all about The Dead Weather and Alison Mosshart. 

I would so wear this Steve Buscemi dress, if it really existed.

I'm all about black, white and red tattoos. 

Who doesn't love Whose Line is it Anyways?

I hope your Saturday is wonderful so far. Brian and I will be venturing out to do some window shopping and then who knows what. 


PS-If anyone knows who the girl is with the tattoos, let me know so I can credit her. It's hard to find credit on tumblr. 

Friday, July 15, 2011

What I'm reading

I've had this book on my shelf for awhile. I got it before I read the actually Pride and Prejudice but I made myself read the original one first. I felt that I should know the real story before reading this one. I'm hoping that I'll enjoy this book as much as the original one. We'll see. 


Thursday, July 14, 2011


After months of not being able to log in I'm finally able to. It's rather strange because I was just making a new blog on blogger. But hey at least I can log in now and don't have to restart my blog. Though I will need to give it a little bit of an update, I must change the layout.

So many things have changed since I blogged last. The last time I blogged was way back in May and now it's the middle of July. Let's see, the biggest news I have is that I have moved to Nashville, Tennessee. Brian and I made the 14 hour drive about a month ago and have been loving every second of it. We packed everything into a moving truck and started our journey to his parent's place in Des Moines, Iowa. Let's just say that we both were every irritated because most of our stuff wouldn't fit in the moving truck so we just started to throw it in. Most of it wouldn't fit and we were running behind our schedule, granted we never had one but we really wanted to be on the road to Iowa by like 1.

Life is never how you plan it and we ended up getting on the road by 3 instead, so we rolled into Des Moines around 8 or so. His parents were so great and helped us reload the truck because we had tons of stuff to pick up at their house for our new place. Our plan was to get up early but we were quite tired from the day before so we slept in. We got on the road around 10 or so. It was a long, long, drive. Brian was driving the moving truck and I was driving his pick up truck so we couldn't take turns driving. Four stops or so and a whole day behind us we finally made to Nashville around midnight.

Of course being on the road and not getting until midnight we did not pack. Inside we got some blankets and our pillows and slept on the floor. It was quite uncomfortable but hey nothing we could do. The next day we unloaded everything and started the unpacking. Sometimes I really hate moving even though I really love moving into a new place every year. It took us less than a week to get everything out of boxes and put where we wanted it. So far I love this place, I love that we have an office for us both to do our own things.

A few days after we moved in I had a dentist appointment, two weeks before moving to Nashville my wisdom teeth were hurting really bad. Like I couldn't open my mouth or chew because it hurt that bad so I needed to get them checked out. Well I went in and a week after we moved in I was scheduled to get my wisdom teeth out. The first couple of days sucked but now it's just fine and it's so worth it because now I don't ever have to worry about them ever again.

As for jobs we don't have any yet since the economy is so great. I contacted my temp agency and they are working to get me a job and I've been sending in the resumes. Sadly no one seems to want me. Though yesterday Brian and I dropped off our resumes to Third Man Records. We are hoping for some good news there even if it might be a long shot. Who knows maybe they will take a chance on one of us.

But until we get jobs our lives will be filled with nothing and swimming since we now have a swimming pool. I'm hoping to have one by the end of this month, I have bills to pay and a new phone to purchase. It's time for me to change some things on this blog so I'll leave you with this little beauty.


PS-Brian and I have been watching the crap out of Seinfeld and I love it! Also I don't know who made that picture because it was on a tumblr site with no credit.