Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I just so happen to be talking about the same thing as The Dainty Squid. The thing that's always on my mind is my hair. Ever since I cut it really short last May, I've kept it short but have had this urge to grow it out. I guess I'm just impatient for it to grow back to the length I had over a year ago. It was the longest I had ever had it and sometimes I miss it.
This was last year on my birthday.

It will take me a long time to get to that length if I even want to get it that long. I've always wanted what I can't have or will take me awhile to get. Like when I have short hair I want long hair and when I have long hair I want short hair. It's an endless cycle for me, haha. I'm hoping I can break myself of this in the future. For now I'm going to stick with growing my hair out, it may not be crazy long but I think a bob length would keep me entertained. 


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