Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What I'm reading



I just so happen to be talking about the same thing as The Dainty Squid. The thing that's always on my mind is my hair. Ever since I cut it really short last May, I've kept it short but have had this urge to grow it out. I guess I'm just impatient for it to grow back to the length I had over a year ago. It was the longest I had ever had it and sometimes I miss it.
This was last year on my birthday.

It will take me a long time to get to that length if I even want to get it that long. I've always wanted what I can't have or will take me awhile to get. Like when I have short hair I want long hair and when I have long hair I want short hair. It's an endless cycle for me, haha. I'm hoping I can break myself of this in the future. For now I'm going to stick with growing my hair out, it may not be crazy long but I think a bob length would keep me entertained. 


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Yellow, orange cream

Yellow, orange cream
Yellow, orange cream by Xinamleo on Polyvore.com

My outfit for the day. Though the bag is wrong and is more of a wishlist item. I couldn't find my actual bag so I choose one that I've had my eyes set on for awhile. I'm in need for a new purse, one that will let me carry books and journals and whatever else it is that my heart desires. I would have taken a real photo of my outfit but sadly I don't own a fancy camera and all I have is my macbook, which doesn't take that great of photos.  It was kind of a laid back day.  We grabbed a bite to eat at the cafe where Brian works, then went food shopping since we were both out of food. We are cooking up some turkey burgers for dinner tonight then I'm going to buckle down and get some writing and other creative things done before bed time.


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Chinese food, Taxes, and The Greenhornes, oh my.

My day has been semi eventful. Brian and I got to sleep in this morning after waking up early for work this past week, it was amazing. We woke up with a craving for Chinese food, Panda Express is one of our favorites. So we drove to the Maplewood Mall and got some. We really didn't have much on our agenda for today besides getting our taxes done. We roamed around the mall for a bit, stopping in H&M where I bought some cowboy boots that were on sale. There happened to be an H&R block right across from the mall so we figured why not.

Brian did his taxes first and it took forever, well more like 2 hours but still. So many complicated things to do and figure out. He got his bill and I was kind of scared of how much he was charged so I told the guy that I was just going to do mine, myself at home. He tried to figure out a rough estimate of how much it would cost me and even that was still too much. I'm poor H&R block. We came back to Brian's place, since my apartment doesn't have internet and I tried to do my taxes myself.

It was a success, I went with Turbotax and everything was really easy to use. Thank goodness, I was afraid  it was going to be ridiculous. I didn't do a lot last year seeing as I was unemployed for 4 months and only worked two jobs the rest of the year. I didn't have anything else to claim besides living in Minnesota for the year. I'm actually shocked at how much I'm getting back for my refund. I'm so glad that I will be getting that much back, I haven't had that much money in my bank account for like 2 years.

What will I do with my tax refund? SAVE IT! Most of it will be put into my savings account and will not be touched unless I absolutely need it. Though I will spend some of it on things I've been wanting/needing for awhile. A new tattoo is in order and maybe some new clothes.

Right now we are just sitting around and waiting to grab some dinner, hopefully Panera then we are heading off to The Greenhornes show tonight at the Triple Rock Social Club that's in Minneapolis. They are a three piece rock band from Ohio and are on the Third Man Records record label (Jack White's label). Brian is really into them so it should be a fun show, plus I get to wear a new dress I got last weekend. You should really check out The Greenhornes. It might just be your new favorite band.


p.s. I will be working on my layout for a couple more days so just a heads up. I'll try to have it finalized by April 1st.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


So since I'm starting a new blog I figured I'd tell you all about myself and what I like and all that jazz.

*My name is Christina and I'm 22 years old living in the middle of the twin cities among all of the snow that has fallen this past winter.

I'm originally from a small town in Iowa but moved to the 'big' city for college. I'm also planning a relocation in the near future but that's still under wraps until more things get ironed out.

*I have an Associates Degree in Music Business from McNally Smith college of music. I probably won't use this degree since my life goals and focus has changed drastically. Even though I may not be using my degree I don't regret going to McNally.

*I have this strange obsession with journals and books. I have at least 20 or more journals, some of them have never been written in, others only have a few pages with writing on them. I got my love of books and reading from my father. He has always had bookshelves filled with a numerous about of books, there are at least 5 or 6 of them in my home.

* There's this lovely guy name Brian whom I'm head over heels about. We've been together for a year and three months, I know makes ya wanna gag. He's amazing and is always challenging me to be better and reach for my goals.

*I'm in love with old english novels and authors, hence my blog name. If you don't know where it comes from I'll let you in on a secret. Thornfield is the name of the hall that Mr. Rochester owns in Jane Eyre and Pemberley is the home of Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice. Two of my biggest literary crushes. I try to read as much as I can and I try most genres.

*I want to be an author. I want to spend my days writing away and bringing joy to others.

Well that's about it for right now. I don't know what else to tell you, plus I'm preoccupied by Hoarders - Buried Alive. If you haven't watched this show or know about it, start now. It's amazing but yet sad to see how some people live their lives and don't know anything better.
