Monday, May 9, 2011


has been a bit crazy these past couple of days and will be more so in the next couple of weeks if everything goes according to plan. I can't say yet seeing as it's not even confirmed but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I'll be back either tomorrow or Wednesday with an actual post. Sorry for no Saturday favorite, I still didn't have internet but I'll make it up this Saturday. Hope last week was great for you all.


Friday, May 6, 2011

What I'm reading

I'm going to give Virginia Woolf a shot and see how her writing is. I'm excited to try a new author and see if I like her style. I'm hoping this one works out cause I know she has a ton of books for me to read. 


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thoughtful Thursday

It's Thursday once again so you know what that means. Here's are a little story:

'it's too late to apologize.' she mouthed and walked away, tears streaming down her face. she knew what she had to do in order to forget this mess. she knew she had to move on. no words he told her would make the wounds close, nothing he said would ever stop the blood from seeping.

she had already hurt herself enough, she didn't have the will to do it anymore. she just wanted love, someone to care but all she got was the devil instead. he was nothing more than a man, all she could have asked for. but with a wish she spoke she got more than what she had bargined for.

he played the 'game', got what he wanted, took her heart and left it all black and blue. he didn't know what he was doing, he didn't know he was ruining someone's life. he didn't care if he was killing her inside. he was just using her for what god had given her, not what she was inside.

her tears fall faster as she knows he is watching her walk away a puzzled look on his face. he thought if he bought her everything in the world she would come crawling back. he was so sure that she would do anything to get him back, but what he thought was a lie. he knew that he couldn't get her back, that he had broken her heart.

she wiped away her black tears and threw them to the ground. she didn't want to think of his face, his kiss, his love, the way his hand fit into hers or the way their bodies molded into one. she was done, over with this kind of thing. she was going to make it on her own, take a chance and leave this city that was corrupt from the beginning of time.

the wind blew, her hair fell into her face, masked her in beauty. how could a man that cold do something that harmful to a woman so pure and innocent? how could anyone hurt someone they told 'i love you' too? she didn't know why she had to suffer from him. she only wanted an answer to the riddle, but the only answer would come in time.

he looked on as her body disappeared with the light. he knew she wasn't coming back, this was the last time he would see her. it was the last time he would smell her scent or see her beautiful smile though it wasn't out today. he knew that he had fucked up badly, that he just lost something that he had wanted and only now realized it.

he looked at his hands, they shook, he trembled as he felt something he had never felt before, guilt. he now knew that he had cared for her, that he wanted her back into his arms and now she was gone, for forever. she wasn't coming back. she was now a ghost, a memory in the back of his mind. she was fading into the scenery, now a figment of his imagination.

he closed his eyes and everything they had experienced flew right before them. he knew that he wasn't going to feel like this ever again. he knew that what he had with her wasn't going to come around anymore. she was something, a rare kind of breed. she was the girl of his dreams but he let his lust get the best of him.

he broke her will and now she was slipping away. the time he had with her is now gone, the devil stole it away and god wasn't going to help him anymore. his favours are all worn out. god just looked down and shook his head, he knew that the young man learned his lesson, though there was nothing to do.

she looked back once more and stopped in her tracks, she wanted to run back to him, to give him another chance but she knew that she couldn't. she couldn't give him what he wanted, he needed to learn a lesson and she was going to be the teacher. she turned back around and started walking again.

she took a breath and wiped the last of her tears. she exhaled
'it's too late to apologize....'
she whispered and walked away.
he saw her disappear and knew that she wasn't coming back.
and the girl of his dreams had now faded away.

Tomorrow is Friday! Do any of you have any fun plans for the weekend? I'm going to a concert tonight (The Kills) then going out to eat with some coworkers on Saturday evening and Brian returns on Sunday. I'm excited to give him his present and finally see him after a week. 


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Pride and Prejudice

This passage in the book/movie kills me. When he says it in the movie I want to jump him. If you don't know where this quote is from well you must go read/watch Pride and Prejudice. It's one of my favorite books of all time and the (2005) movie is really good. It just says so much and is so beautiful, I wish it would be said to me. But I can imagine that Mr. Darcy is saying it to me when I watch them movie. I just may go watch the movie now. I hope your week is going great so far, I'll be back tomorrow with Thoughtful Thursday. 


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Birthday Present

So this coming Saturday, May 7th, is my boyfriend's birthday. I don't have a ton of money so I usually tend to make him gifts. So for our one year anniversary I painted him a portrait of Jack White, for Christmas I painted him a guitar that is based off of one of Jimi Hendrix's. When I remembered his birthday I was a bit stumped as to what to give/make him. I find making gifts are more personable, plus he really likes them. I was at work a couple of weeks ago and the idea popped into my head. Why not recreate the drum heads that The White Stripes had?

I'm going to be painting the two famous drum heads that Meg White had, the button and the peppermint.

I'm making the button as the bass drum head and the peppermint is going to the rack tom head. I'm excited to see them all finished and hanging around his apartment. He's not going to be playing with them so up they go. I'll post some pictures when I'm done with them. 


Monday, May 2, 2011

Red Nails

Red is one of my favorite colors to paint my nails and I paint my nails a lot. When I say a lot, I mean every week I have a new nail color. A bright cherry red is my top choice for red nail polish, though I do enjoy a deep crimson or blood red every now and then. My brand of choice is NYC and the red I use is Big Apple Red Creme. I tend to not paint my nails this color since I work with a ton of files and I usually end up leaving huge red streaks all over them but I couldn't resist today. What's your go to color for nails??


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sunday, Sunday

It's a pretty laid back Sunday afternoon, doing some laundry and getting some blog posts ready for when I'm gone for the week. Well I'm not really going anywhere but I won't have internet for a week so I can't post. It's also kind of chilly in Minnesota today, it really feels like fall. I wish Starbucks had their pumpkin spice latte all year round cause I would have gotten one of those today. My week will be pretty boring but I have some projects to keep me entertained plus I have Brian's entire DVD collection so that should help. One of those projects happen to be Brian's birthday present. I'll make a post about that later this week. But I'm off to finish what's left of my to-do list.
